Hearing Solutions - Yukon, OK

Family having Christmas dinner at home, gathered around the table, enjoying their time together; daughter hugging her mother and smiling

Hearing loss can seriously impact how you live, even when it’s mild. There will be a considerable change in the way you connect with loved ones, friends, and coworkers. It can become difficult to complete day-to-day tasks like going shopping. But it doesn’t have to have this kind of negative affect on you. On the contrary, a well calibrated set of hearing aids can make a big difference.

Most people normally think of those benefits in a very linear sort of way: Hearing aids help you hear better. And that’s not untrue. But how is the quality of life improved? Just how far do the advantages of hearing aids go?

The top ten reasons to invest in hearing aids

It’s sort of fascinating, isn’t it, how we can so frequently put together top ten lists for everything? I bet you didn’t think you would be reading a top ten list about hearing aids when you got up this morning. I mean, if you’ve known about your hearing loss for a while… maybe you did!

So, what are the top ten advantages associated with using your hearing aid? Here they are!

1. You will have better relationships.

Great communication is critical to any good relationship. But communication can be problematic when you have neglected hearing loss. With hearing aids, you’ll finally hear more than little snippets of conversation. You’ll be able to follow along with the conversation and get the whole story.

This also means you won’t feel excluded from the conversation, and you won’t feel resentful that the conversations go on without you. So your general relationships, among your friends, co-workers, and loved ones, will improve. There is a strong link between relationships and hearing aids!

2. You’ll have more independence

Shopping at the grocery store or going to a restaurant when you have neglected hearing loss can feel like an ordeal. When you’re unable to hear all that well, communicating with cashiers and wait staff can be challenging. But with a set of hearing aids, the entire process suddenly becomes a lot easier. You can get around much more independently.

You’ll also be better able to drive safely. That’s because your general situational awareness will be increased by your hearing aids. When you hear more of the world, you’ll be capable of doing more by yourself, and you’ll be able to do it without as much anxiety.

3. Stronger hearing could result in higher pay

Think about this hypothetical situation: if you’re attending a meeting at work and miss a lot of what’s discussed, you may not do your job adequately. This can lead to reduced job opportunities and being passed-up for promotions.

With your hearing aids securely in place and working properly, you’ll be able to follow along with meetings, and you won’t be so tired all the time from straining to hear. This can increase your focus on work and put you in a better position to grow your income.

4. Your tinnitus symptoms will diminish

Tinnitus is that buzzing or ringing in the ear that the majority of us have experienced occasionally. Tinnitus symptoms will commonly be more extreme and more often with hearing loss (there are a number of explanations for this, sometimes the tinnitus is only relatively louder because everything else is so quiet, for instance).

Many individuals report that their tinnitus symptoms decrease when they wear a hearing aid. The louder overall outside sound supplied by the hearing aid could be, in some situations, simply drowning out the tinnitus symptoms. But we will take relief where we can get it, right?

5. Reduced risk of cognitive decline

There is a firm link between cognitive decline and hearing impairment. Your chance of developing cognitive decline can be seriously increased by ignoring hearing loss, for example. Treating hearing loss seems to be helpful, though there are many theories as to why. That’s why it’s essential to make sure you use your hearing aids. You could be helping the health of your brain!

6. You can enjoy music again

When you suffer from hearing loss music is harder to hear clearly. That’s because one wavelength of sound typically goes before the others. Maybe you’re unable to hear low frequencies, for instance. The music you used to like, consequently, may sound… different.

You will be able to appreciate music again with your hearing aids replacing missing sound. You’ll get the high notes and the low notes, instead of only one or the other (or a garbled mess). It can be an amazing relief to hear your favorite band again.

7. You’ll get a boost of confidence

Your confidence will be enhanced when you can hear better and have more successful interactions. And confidence is a great thing.

We’re not suggesting that you shouldn’t be confident simply because you deal with hearing loss. We’re simply saying that you might find yourself having a difficult time interacting with others, particularly if your hearing loss is new.

Those connections can become easier again with hearing aids. And when that takes place, confidence will grow.

8. Your vitality will be higher

If your hearing loss has been gradually advancing, your brain has likely been working overtime. The audio gaps that your hearing loss is producing will try to be filled in by your brain because it doesn’t understand that your ears aren’t functioning. That’s… a lot of work! And it means that your brain is struggling (and strained) almost continuously.

Your brain gets to recharge and relax when you use a hearing aid. It will have less work to do. With this, continuous exhaustion and fatigue will be minimized. You’ll have more energy to do the things you love to do!

9. Being more conscious of your surroundings will keep you safer

If your hearing loss is recent, you might not yet have completely adapted. You’re used to being able to hear oncoming traffic before you step out into the street. Before you look in your rearview mirror, you would normally hear the oncoming sirens.

If your hearing loss is new, or you aren’t conscious of it, you may assume that some situations are safe when they actually aren’t. And that can be a dangerous proposition.

This lost awareness will be recovered by using hearing aids. Your decision making will be smarter and less hazardous.

10. You’ll be a positive example!

The one thing that can be even more difficult than change is personal growth. When you invest in a hearing aid, you’re admitting that something isn’t necessarily working properly anymore. But you’re also attempting to improve the situation.

There’s nothing wrong with that! It’s the type of thing we should all work for! So you’re acting as a role model and a positive example when you use your hearing aids. You should be proud of yourself.

Schedule a hearing test right away

When you use hearing aids you will hear better and that’s the main advantage. That goes without saying. But as you can tell, there are boatloads of immediate benefits of hearing aids! This top ten list is only that, one little list of just ten of these advantages.

Your top ten list may look a little different. Scheduling an appointment with us for a hearing assessment is the first step no matter what advantages you look forward to.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.