Hearing Solutions - Yukon, OK

Woman connecting her hearing aids to her smart home.

Recall how the exciting new future technology was going to bring civilization into the “world of tomorrow”? We’re currently moving into a technological “golden age”, and the development of hearing aids is a significant part of it.

Having the capability of connecting to your smartphone, TV, or computer is something that lots of modern hearing aid designs come with. This allows you to hear these devices better and also creates a more pleasant environment for individuals around you who are too nice to tell you to lower the volume on the TV.

While these technological features are perfect for entertainment applications, some hearing aid wearers find the functions too complicated and often don’t activate them. This could be a costly mistake.

Add Another Level of Security With Improved Connectivity

According to the Fire Protection Research Foundation, the smoke alarm can’t be heard by a significant number of people over 50. Are there any rooms in your home where it would be difficult to hear your smoke alarm? This can at times be a challenge even with a hearing aid. Fortunately, new technology is already reducing this life-threatening hazard.

The public is getting access to new technology that is being developed every year. Smart home systems often come with smoke detectors that can connect to newer hearing aids. This means you’ll hear the alarm wherever you are in your home. It works in basically the same way as streaming your phone to any other smart technology. But connecting your hearing aid to your fire alarm can actually save your life.

Smart Home Doorbells Can Connect to Hearing Aids

In addition to enhancing safety, there is excellent entertainment value in connecting your hearing aid to multiple devices in your home, but the current trend in smart home technology is outside your front door. Doorbells that can connect to Wi-fi are turning up in more and more homes. The benefit of these doorbells is that they offer audio and video functionality.

That’s one more device in your smart home for your hearing aid to connect to and that’s great news. Not sure who’s at the door? A Wi-fi doorbell would send audio right to your hearing aid so you would see who’s at the door instantly.

Why is it Important to Ensure That You Get it Set up?

It takes a little time to set these features up to work with your hearing aid, and that deters many people from making use of them. Still, it’s worthwhile to recognize that connecting your hearing aid to smart devices in your home can make your life safer, more relaxed, and ultimately more enjoyable.

The best part? We can show you how to use these features when you purchase your hearing aid. If you find yourself fumbling with the settings when you get home, most hearing aids have ample online information to help you navigate the set-up process.

To sum up, if you’ve bought a new hearing aid that has wi-fi capabilities, you’re missing out if you don’t set them up.

When to Update Your Hearing Aids

If you have older hearing aids they likely don’t have very good connectivity options. In addition, there are many technical improvements that are made each year to improve the all-around audio quality of hearing aids. If you’re having trouble with hearing in specific settings or want to explore some of the new features you’re missing, make an appointment with us to improve your hearing and your quality of life.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.